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Become a Sponsor

The New Albany Walking Classic® brings you in contact with a large number of residents and visitors who care about healthy living, active lifestyles, and those who are invested in the community and committed to supporting the local economy. Race sponsors gain exposure to thousands of race participants annually and many more both locally and regionally through HNA digital and print media channels as well as involvement in various HNA programs including the Farmers Market, Walking Club and many other community programs and events. Our valued partnerships allow us to continue our impactful work

Our Sponsors

Presenting Sponsor

Phil & Sheryl Heit

Organizing Sponsor

HNA Logo_updated 2021.png

Major Sponsor


Media Sponsors

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Supporting Sponsors

City Logo New.jpg
Atrium Logo Black.png
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Bliss Logo Gold Foil.jpg
Park National Bank logo updated.jpg
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Panera-Primary Logo-Square.jpg
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